What To Do If You Find A GSP
If you find a pet of any kind, ask your veterinarian or your local shelter to examine and scan for permanent ID (microchip).
If You Keep the Animal While Trying to Find Its Owner
If You Cannot Keep the Animal While You Try to Find Its Owners
Stray animals must complete a mandatory hold to see if the owner comes for the dog (how long depends on the shelter) before being made available for adoption. Please realize that while shelters will do their best to find the lost pet’s owners or a new adoptive family, they may not be able to find a new home for the pet, and there is a chance the animal will be humanely euthanized.
If You Keep the Animal While Trying to Find Its Owner
- Post flyers with information about the found animal and information on how to contact you.
- Put an ad in newspapers.
- Call or place fliers at local veterinary clinics.
- Visit The Pet Rescue web site for more information about lost and found pets.
- Call local animal shelters to list the found animal in their Found Pet Log.
- Visit local shelters to see if a photo of the pet you have found has been posted on a bulletin board as a missing pet.
- Contact SEGSP to post on their social media; you can do this by emailing [email protected] or private messaging us on Facebook at Southeast GSP Rescue. Include a full body photo, location and date the dog was lost and most importantly a phone number and/or email address that will be monitored.
If You Cannot Keep the Animal While You Try to Find Its Owners
- Take the animal to the shelter.
- Or call Animal Control to come and pick up the animal.
Stray animals must complete a mandatory hold to see if the owner comes for the dog (how long depends on the shelter) before being made available for adoption. Please realize that while shelters will do their best to find the lost pet’s owners or a new adoptive family, they may not be able to find a new home for the pet, and there is a chance the animal will be humanely euthanized.